Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Traditions & Special Days

Well, I made it to 37 weeks and the Kentuck Festival!

Praise God for Mary & Lily going this far's a bit surreal! Someone told me last month that I'd be miserable by now if I were still pregnant. I thought, "Thanks for that encouragement," and decided I would not be miserable (uncomfortable doesn't always equal miserable). Resting tops the list of things I do these days. Mom often goes grocery shopping for me, and James has been great about encouraging me to take it easy. He even cleans up in the kitchen!

Since the last blog post, several notable events have taken place:

 I had a birthday.

Okay, I turned 30! I'm kinda glad to be done with my 20s, and to be the same age my mom was when I was born. My friend Lindsey had given me this Willow Tree expectant mama figurine, and James bought the dad with two girls for my birthday (plus the pretty flowers). Oh, and much to his relief, we finished our gamut of childbirth classes not long after. We feel v-e-r-y well-informed. :)

It was bittersweet to finish tutoring Korean students at The Reserve and on Skype at the end of September. I really needed to rest, but I do miss my students. I may tutor again a bit when the girls get on a good schedule ...we'll see.

Sweet ladies from University Church had a beautiful baby shower for us. James was just glad to find out he wasn't expected to attend, just load up the car afterward. :) A lot of people were there that I hadn't seen in way too long. It was very special!

Laurie & Susie & Mom helped me open and record the gifts ...

And Grace, Faith, & Hope (here with their mom Knoel) helped by carrying the gifts into the other room. Sweet girls! So glad they're back in Alabama.

Instead of jewelry, I really wanted two trees as my "push present" (and no, I'm not making up that term!). So James enlisted Jerry's expert help in planting a pink dogwood and a white dogwood in our backyard. James has hauled water up the hill for them just about every day. It means a lot to me.

Finally, last weekend we went to the Homecoming Parade, which, like the Kentuck Festival, is a lifelong tradition I always look forward to. The footrest on the folding chair was the key this year.

Who knows? Maybe my next post will be pictures of Lily & Mary. :) :)

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