Friday, October 28, 2011

39 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

So 39 weeks, and Mary and Lily still haven't made their grand entrance. When I venture out of the house, people comment, "Why are you hogging those babies?" or "How are you still pregnant?" Witty answers that I usually don't think of 'til later include: "They're waiting for their birthday," or "I'm treating them so well, they don't want to leave."

I have made conscious efforts to keep the babies healthy, though. Alhough I've been overweight and unhealthy at various times in my life, knowing that two other lives depend on my choices has helped me become healthier than ever. Here's what I've done these past 9+ months that may have made a difference:

1. No Drugs I've completely avoided the obvious no-nos like alcohol, smoking, and drugs (including caffeine). I even shunned over-the-counter drugs until my mom (a nurse) convinced me that Tums and Pepcid are less dangerous than acid burning up my esophagus; but that's it. For headaches I drink water and rest in a dark, quiet room. For bumps and bruises I apply a cold pack.

My meds and a Boo Bunny (the cutest coldpack ever)

2. Water I've drunk lots and lots and lots of water. My stainless steel bottle of filtered water goes everywhere with me. All that water has acclimated me already to getting up four times a night! If it's not water, I try to drink plenty of whole organic milk (goat's milk in the first two trimesters helped my sensitive stomach, but I've switched back to cow's milk), some watered-down 100% apple or orange or grape juice, and hot tea made especially for pregnancy.

3. Less Sugar I've cut way back on sugar, especially lately. Sugar is added to so much in America! Eating food in its natural state really helps and leaves me feeling better too. Most mornings I have a sliced apple with loads of peanut butter - the Smucker's Organic kind, which contains only two ingredients: peanuts and salt. Plus, fruit starts tasting sweeter when you cut back on added sugar. James and I have even decided our house will be candy-free this October (there's plenty of free candy for kiddos at other people's houses ...and someone always eats the leftovers).
Natural PB: just stir it up and keep it in the pantry
4. No Sugar Substitutes I've completely cut out artificial sweeteners. I think they're toxic, and they are as ubiquitous as high-fructose corn syrup. When I got in the car with my first bottle of Pepcid, I read the label carefully then went right back into the drug store to exchange it for off-brand pepcid pills that don't contain aspartame. The only chewing gum I chew is Dentyne Classic, and the only place I can find it is the Chevron on Hwy 69N.

5. Rest I've rested from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday each week. Not working or shopping one day a week may seem old-school, but I love it.

6. Protein I've tried to eat at least 80 grams of protein every day. It's not easy, and I kept track of it for two or three months til I got the hang of it. That natural peanut butter, Greek yogurt, not-highly-processed cheese, organic milk, eggs, whole wheat bread, nuts, beans, and brown rice all help. And then, there's meat...

7. Clean Meat I've been very picky with meat. First, I completely avoid the meats listed in Leviticus 11 as "unclean." As with avoiding sugar, I feel way better not eating pork, shellfish, or any other bottom-feeders. No deli meat or hot dogs, either. If possible, the animals lived free-range, healthy lives before I put them in my body: chicken, beef, salmon, and orange roughy are great. Venison hunted on family land and processed by my dad is the best!

8. Vitamins I've splurged on vitamins. My prenatal multi-vitamin is made from whole foods and smells so good to Harvey (our beagle) that I can't let him near them. One serving is 4 pills a day, and you can see the difference between these and the lab-made synthetic vitamins. I also take extra folic acid, DHA, and vitamin C. When the time comes (any day now!) I'm switching to a whole foods post-natal vitamin, also 4 pills a day, which promotes nursing, etc. And I've got a box of "mother's milk" organic tea waiting for those (finally) cold winter days.
Morning vitamins & evening vitamins
9. Exercise I've tried to take a walk every day, though these past few weeks it's mostly just around the house. I've also done the Bradley Method class-recommended exercises: butterfly, pelvic tilt, squatting, and Kegals. James has seen pregnant women at the gym's weight-lifting class...more power to them, but I'll sit that one out.

10. Attitude I've tried to remember that these children I'm carrying are a blessing, and all the discomforts are worth it. I don't know when they'll be born, but God knows and has plans for them already.   


  1. THank you so much for posting this, Caroline! You are by far the healthiest pregnant woman I've ever seen... which is exactly why your sweet ones are doing so well! I had planned on asking all your secrets whenever I might carry babies, and I still will... but this list is a great resource! Love you and those little blessings!

  2. You are taking such great care of yourself and your babies! Reading this is definitely an inspiration to be healthier as well. It's Saturday so sleep in and relax!

  3. My matron of honor approached pregnancy as you have and it paid off for her in that she had a quick labor & delivered her first child with great ease! The physician attributed it all to her healthy prenatal regime! Am praying the same for you! I am so thankful for you, and the way you have understood that this pregnancy is both a blessing and a responsibility right from the start! Mary & Lily will be the beneficiaries of your wisdom. . both now & throughout their lives! You are going to be a wonderful mother once they arrive. . but truthfully, you began that "wonderful motherhood" the very moment you & James started planning your family! I am so proud of you!!!
